Test Description | Unit of Measure | Specification |
Identification | – | Min Pass |
Appearance | Visual | Min. Clear |
MPG | % weight | Min 99.8 |
Density @20°C | °C | 1.037-1.039 |
Chloride | ppm | Max 1 |
Sulphate | ppm | Max 10 |
Acidity | ml | Max 0.05 |
Iron | ppm | Max 0.1 |
Heavy Metals as Pb | ppm | Max 1 |
Residue on ignition | ppm | Max 20 |
Water | ppm | Max 700 |
Color | APHA | Max 10 |
Distillation | °C | |
IBP | °C | Min 186 |
DP | °C | Min 189 |
EG | ppm | Max 50 |
DEG | ppm | Max 50 |
Comments: Physical properties are not monitored constantly.
Issue of revision date: 21.10.2020