Test Description | Test Method | Unit of Measure | Specification |
Appearance | Visual | – | Clear & Free from suspended matter |
Purity | GC | % weight | 99.8 |
Water Content | ASTM D 1064 | % weight | 0.01 |
Acidity as Acetic Acid | ASTM D 1613 | % weight | 0.001 |
Density @20°C | ASTM D 4052 | kg/l | 1.0200 |
Color | ASTM D 1209 | Pt-Co | LT5 |
Monoethylene Glycol | GC | % weight | 0.04 |
Diethylene Glycol | GC | % weight | 0.04 |
Triethylene Glycol | GC | % weight | <0.01 |
Comments: Physical properties are not monitored constantly.
Issue of revision date: 21.10.2020