Test Description | Test Method | Unit of Measure | Specification |
Appearance | Visual | – | Clear & free of suspended matter |
Purity | GC | % weight | 99.9 |
Water | ASTM D 1364 | % weight | 0.4 max |
Acidity as Acetic Acid | ASTM D 1613 | %m/m | 0.003 |
Permanganate Time | ASTM D 1363 | Minutes | 90 |
Color | ASTM D 1209 | Pt-Co | 5 max |
Acidity | ASTM D 1613 | ppm | 30 |
Distillation | ASTM D 1078 | °C | |
IBP | ASTM D 1078 | °C | 56 |
DP | ASTM D 1078 | °C | 57 |
Comments: Physical properties are not monitored constantly.
Issue of revision date: 21.10.2020