Test Description | Test Method | Unit of Measure | Specification |
Purity | LGMY-TP-049 | Wt% | MIN. 99.5000 |
Color | ASTM D 1209 | APHA | MAX. 20.0000 |
Specific Gravity | ASTM D 1657 | 1.0120-1.0180 | |
Water | ASTM D 1364 | Ppm | MAX. 500.0000 |
Inhibitor (MEHQ) | ASTM D 3125 | Ppm | 180.0000-220.0000 |
Acrylic Acid | LGMY-TP-049 | Ppm | MAX. 300.0000 |
Acetonyl Acetone | LGMY-TP-049 | Ppm | MAX. 100.0000 |
Comments: Physical properties are not monitored constantly.
Issue of revision date: 21.10.2020